Ballycastle >Local News
10th June '20


Ballycastle GAA Club held their 50/50 Draw on Sunday 7th June.

Congratulations to the winner Maire McCann (€219).

Tickets can be purchased in McNamees XL, Siopa Suifinn and the Post office - €2 each or three envelopes for €5. It is also possible to play online at

Roar for Ruairi

The Go Fund Me link is:  

For more information contact Máirtin Flannery on 0863225128

Church Notices

The following are the names of Mass intentions that were included in Masses said in private

by Fr. Conlon this week:

Alice Owens Healy (Birthday remembrance)

Frankie Bonner (Anniversary)

Deceaed Gilvarry, Kelly and O'Donoghue Families

James & Celia Jordan & Deceased family members

Anthony Barrett (Anniversary)

Bridie Maughan

Anne Tighe (Kilbride)


From June 29th, people will be able to attend religious services with restrictions in place – such as social distancing, use of hand sanitizer on entering and leaving the church, Eucharist ministers will wear masks while distributing Communion and holy water fonts in churches will remain empty. Full guidelines will be available next week.


Weekly Church Envelopes

From now on there will be 3 ways for parishioners to return their weekly collection envelopes – you can drop the envelope into the parish house, in a post box in the Church or pay on-line at . If you opt to pay on-line, Fr. Conlon will get a statement at the end of each month with names of parishioners that have signed up and amount that has been contributed. This money will then be transferred to Ballycastle/Belderrig Church accounts. If you have any questions on this, please ring the parish house Tuesday – Friday from 1pm – 3pm.


St. Bridget's Church is open daily for anyone who wishes to visit for quiet prayer.


School Enrolment

In light of the current covid-19 restrictions, parents of children wishing to enrol in Scoil Naomh Bríd for September 2020 are asked to email the school at to request an enrolment form.


























































































