Ballycastle >Local News
19th October '16

                                                      An AED Defibrillator is located in Ballycastle Community Hall

                                                      In the event of a person collapsing and becoming unresponsive:

                                                      1. Call 999 (landline) or 112 (mobile)

                                                      2. Call local Defibrillator Responder on

                                                         A) 086-257-6771 or B) 086-257-6772

                                                      3. Start CPR immediately while awaiting responder and emergency                                                              service.

Tourism Group

Next meeting of the Ballycastle/Belderrig Tourism group will be on Tuesday 25th October in Ballycastle Community Hall. Giuliano Gnagnatti of 'Paradise Possible' will be in attendance and will give a presentation.

Ballinglen Gallery

A wonderful Exhibition by Keith Wilson RUA -  "Being Here" opens in the Ballinglen Gallery on  Saturday 29th October at 8.00p.m  Do come along and see paintings and drawings of local and surrounding area. This Exhibition runs until January 27th 2017.
Refreshments served on the night, everyone welcome!


Halloween Fun

All Giro de Baile volunteers are invited to a Fancy Dress special thank-you night on October 30th at 9:30pm in Katie Mac's Ballycastle.
The event is open to anyone who wants a good night out. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Spooky Walk

Ghosts, ghouls, and monsters are the order of the day. Adults and children are invited to Ballycastle in fancy dress costumes to celebrate an evening of fun, games, tricks & treats. Pumpkin Carving Competition (Pumpkins to be left into Healys before 5.45pm), Lantern walk (bring your own lanterns, torches), games, sweets, witches, vampires.

This event is for Preschool and National school children and starts from Ballycastle Hall at 6pm.

It's all free and is sponsored by the guys at the Giro de Baile.

For more information contact 0863225128 or 0863828713.



Card Game

Ballycastle G.A.A. Annual Card Game will take place on Sunday 6th November in Ballycastle Hall at 8.30p.m.


50/50 draw

Congratulations to Seán O'Grady who won €186 in last week's 50/50 draw.


Lotto Jackpot €17,400

No's drawn on 17th October were: 1. 16. 24. 25. No Jackpot winner.

Next draw in Katie Macs.

Five Envelopes drawn:

Aisling Grier, Ballycastle

Eddie & Phil Scott, Healys

Donal Tomas, Ballycastle

Phil Healy, Seaview

D. & O. Seaview


No's drawn on 12th October were:  8.  15.  16.  21.  No Jackpot winner.

Five Envelopes drawn:

Gillian Grier, Conaghrea

Kathleen Boyle, Carrowcubic

Una Deane, Ballycastle

Cyril & Ellen, c/o Katie Macs

Mary Kenny, Ballycastle

Tickets can be purchased at: John Burkes, Healy's Bar, Post Office, Katie Macs and Craft Shop.



Bingo in the Community Hall on Monday 24th October at 8.30p.m. Guaranteed Jackpot of €300.


Christmas Fair

Annual Christmas Fair will take place in Ballycastle on 26th /27th November. More details later.


Suífinn Centre

Dr. John Crowley items/History/Art, Felt and Oil Paintings will continue to be on display in Suífinn Centre until 1st November. Open daily 10am – 1pm Monday – Friday or on request contact Florrie 096-43005 or 086-0506262.


Exercise Group

Exercise Group continues on Tuesdays in Suífinn Centre at 11.30a.m. New members welcome.


Céide Fields jobs 2017

The OPW is currently advertising positions as Guide/Information Officer for 2017 at Céide Fields. Details are available and applications can be made through Closing date for applications is October 27th.


Golf Society

Next outing is to Mulranny Golf Club on Saturday 29th October. 1st tee is booked for 10.30am.

Membership will be collected on that day - €20. New members and visitors welcome.

Contact new captain, for the incoming year, Gerry Henry on 0879391689 for more information. 


Cycling fitness

Cycling Turbo training will take place after Halloween and is open to everyone.

Baile an Chaisil Cycling Club have a number of spare turbo trainers that can be borrowed for the session but these are on first come first served basis. The turbo session is also an ideal way to improve fitness and offers the ability to train at your own pace in an indoor setting. Contact Máirtin 0863225128 or Noel 0863828713 for more details.

Irish Music classes

Maria's music classes in the Community Hall, Ballycastle on Friday evenings from 5pm to 6.30pm. Contact 086 3016691.

Adult Irish music classes in Killala Community Centre on Thursday nights from 8pm to 9pm.

Contact 086 3016691.


Athletic Club

Athletic Training on Fridays at 7pm at the local pitch.


Garda in attendance

Garda will attend at Ballycastle Community Hall from 2 – 3pm on the 1st Wednesday of every month.



Opening times for the Gymnasium in Ballycastle Community Hall are:

Monday – Friday 9.00a.m. – 1.00p.m. and 5.00p.m. – 9.00p.m.

Saturday 10.00a.m. – 1.30p.m.

Prices: €5 per visit, €20 per month, €50 for 3 months or €120 per year.


Irish Dancing classes


Irish dancing classes in St John's Hall. Beginners class 6.30-7.30pm, Advanced class 7.30-8.30pm.  Newcomers welcome. Contact 089494435/0860687342


Craft Shop

Craft Shop is located in the Resource Centre, Upper Main Street stocking goods by local craftworkers e.g. knitwear, crochet, handmade cards, wooden bowls, cushions, cot quilts, etc.

Ballycastle souvenir items e.g. candles, fridge magnets, keyrings, bookmarks, biros, teabag holders,

St. Brigid's Crosses, Mayo Crystal and a range of other items.


Other Facilities available :

Tourist Information, Photocopying, Laminating, Typing.


Opening Hours:

Monday – Friday 10.00a.m. – 5.00p.m. (closed for lunch 1 – 2.00p.m.)

Community Hall

Monday : Bingo at 8.30p.m.

Tuesday: Indoor Soccer 5.30p.m. – 6.30p.m. for children aged 8 – 10years

Basketball for ages 10 – 14 from 6.30 – 7.30p.m.

Ladies basketball at 8.00p.m.

For all Hall bookings, contact Breda at 089-4607901


Church Notices

Mass Times:

Weekdays at 10.00a.m. (unless otherwise stated)

Saturday Vigil: 8.15p.m.

Sunday: 11.30a.m.


Masses this week:

Monday: Holy Souls

Tuesday: Michael Doherty, Carrowcur (Anniversary)

Wednesday: Tom Ormsby

Thursday 7.00p.m.: Elizabeth Ryan (Month's Mind)

Friday 7.30p.m.: Deceased Gilmartin, Dooher & Cawley Families

Saturday 8.15p.m.: John, Loreto & Willie Grier & Deceased Members of Grier & Burke Families

Sunday 11.30a.m.: Holy Souls


Eucharist Ministers:

Saturday: Breege Gardiner

Sunday: N/A



Saturday: Cauleen Barrett

Sunday: Michael A. O'Connor



Saturday: Eoin McDonnell, Sam Kelly

Sunday: Erin Flannery, Óisín Flannery




















































































