Ballycastle >Local News
  24th February '21

Lotto Jackpot €18,500

No's drawn on 22nd February were: 3. 7. 11. 19.

€100 winner: Katie Ruddy, Ballycastle

Tickets for Ballycastle/Belderrig Development Company Local Lotto are available in John Burkes

and the Post Office.


Eir Mast


Closing date for objections to the construction of an 18 metre high (57ft) mast with associated antennae and dishes at Main Street, Ballycastle is 14th March 2021. Objections must include the planning Reference No. 2185, your name and address and a €20 fee is required.

Send to Planning Section, Mayo County Council, The Mall, Castlebar, Co. Mayo or this can be done online. As many groups and individuals as possible are asked to look into this proposal and submit an objection, if they are against this proposed construction in the middle of the town.

Further information can be found at



50/50 Draw:

Congratulations to Meabh Heffernan, last week's winner (€140.00).

Tickets are now available in McNamees XL, John Burkes, Post Office, Belderrig Community Centre

and on-line.


Church Notices

Due to Level 5 restrictions there are no public Masses at the moment.

Church envelopes can be placed in the letter boxes in both Churches or left in Ballycastle Post Office.


Both churches are open daily for private prayer. From Sunday 21st February, St. Bridget's Church, Ballycastle will be open at the later time of 12.00noon, as Fr. Conlon will be saying a Mass privately at 11.30a.m. for all Masses that had been booked and private intentions. This will continue until lockdown is lifted. Private Mass is also offered every Wednesday.


Mass intentions for this week (included in a Mass offered privately by Fr. Conlon) are:

Teresa McDonnell (Month's Mind)

Michael, Jack & Mai Tuohill (Anniversaries)

Martin Sheeran (Anniversary)

Anne Greene

Frank, Margaret & Mary Ann Scanlon














































































