Carmel McGinty, Collette Nyland
club was founded in September 2003. Ballycastle
is a small town and has few amenities for its teenagers.
The Junior Club, as the name suggests, is for
the younger age group, we cater for teenagers from the age
of 12yrs to 15yrs. The senior club was
in existence for many years but found that a lot of their
members did'nt leave the club after 4th year in school,
which would have been the tradition. Instead
they wanted to remain in the club until they finished their
schooling. This caused a shortage of places
for the younger age group. Collette and myself
both had daughters in this younger age bracket, so following
discussion we approached the senior club leaders and said
we were interested in starting a new group.
The senior club leaders were very helpful.
They put us in touch with Richard Morrisey who is
regional youth officer for this area. We got
lots of encouragement and training.
then put a notice in the Parish bulletin to find out how
many teenagers would be interested in joining.
The response was better than we had anticipated and
we got 22 members. We then became
affiliated with Foróige, paid our membership fee and then
we could begin. We use the Ballycastle
Parish hall on a Thursday night from 8p.m. to 9.30p.m.
leaders just offer guidance as the club is managed and run
by the elected members of the committee from the foróige
group. During the second meeting of the
group the following people were elected:
Margaret Bonner
Fiona McGinty
Christine Murphy
Collette Langan
members then got training and completed a very successful
year. We attended many of the events staged
locally by Foróige e.g. discos, sports events, talent nights.
We also went to the movies and travelled to Castlebar and
a typical evening in the local hall the committee have a
meeting, we have discussion time and anything of interest
is discussed. We then get to relax and
play games. This could be a game of football, basketball,
volleyball, table tennis or badminton.
leaders we are looking forward to the start of a new year
and meeting new members and helping them develop within
the rules of a successful organisation that is Foróige.
Carmel McGinty